Thanks to social media and the magic of the Internet, throughout my pretty short life, I managed to do many extraordinary things. I dropped out of university to launch my first app, then moved to Spain and, from there, I started to work remotely with various clients all around the world. Last 4 years were extremely intensive, I met many valuable people (mainly through social media) who helped me discover the way, or inspired me showing how I can reach my dreams. From that point, I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I always dreamt of mixing marketing and travels together, however I didn’t think that I will be able to do it in a near future… Life can surprise you a lot and… it happened to me. Again.
Alba 1913 – let the magic begin
Few months ago, I started cooperation with a Polish natural cosmetics brand— Alba1913. I was focusing on market research, ideas and insights creation in order to expand the brand here in Poland and in the US. It was something new for me because, as you may already know, I’m more into technology, apps and startups. To my great surprise, the more I was diving deep into the subject, the more interesting it seemed to me.
When I heard the story behind Alba1913 I fell in love with it. If you know me personally you know that I adore everything that is old: things that combine tradition, nostalgia and something mysterious. Many people claim that it’s a millennial differentiator, lol… If so, why is it so special?
Alba1913 is a polish brand with a 100-years tradition; it was designed to be beneficial not only for your body, but also for the soul. The brand focuses on herbal wisdom to create the finest cosmetics and medical formulas. They hold to a simple philosophy: you are beautiful when you are healthy.

Grand Opening: Puro Hotel & Prisma Spa & Alba 1913

Alba1913 sent me in a delegation (the first delegation in my life!). My job was to be a reporter of all the events that were taking place last weekend. I was managing Instagram live stories (in both, Polish and English). In Kazimierz, Cracow a grand opening of brand new PURO Hotels and PRISMA SPA was taking place. You may ask, Angie, what the hell were you doing there?
Let me explain then… PURO Hotels – PRISMA SPA use exclusively Alba 1913 cosmetics during all treatments and relaxation sessions (and more is yet to come, but it’s still confidential!). All products are made out of 100% natural ingredients and are based on one-hundred-year-old recipes created by the CEO’s grandfather who started family business three generations ago. The hotel and the spa are heaven for your body and soul! Next time I am going to record the whole process of such spa session, so stay tuned to discover more.
When it comes to the evening, I was spending it on the banquet waiting for the main guest to appear… Monika Brodka came to perform a live concert, which was AMAZING. I was surrounded by polish bloggers, influencers and journalists that I know from the Internet sphere. I put on my favorite dress and used my secret weapon that always works when I have to face challenges, i.e. a… SMILE! Then, I said to myself what I always do in such situations: “YOLO!”Couple of minutes later I met, by a mistake, a millionaire from Israel. Fun fact: he didn’t even know about the party, he was just a hotel guest, lol. Shortly after, we started a nice conversation on business-life related stuff, what was really inspiring.

The next day, I went to PRISMA SPA to record and present our followers how the hotel and the spa look like. I was truly obsessed with the great design and attention that is being paid to the details in there. I think that if a place feels like home, it means someone made a great job.
Makeup Masterclass by Kamila Wiedeńska-Strzelczyk
On Saturday afternoon I took a plane from Cracow to Warsaw so that on Sunday morning I woke up in a hotel room in Warsaw on 14th floor with breathless view.
I finished my coffee and went to “The Westin Hotel” where the workshops were scheduled. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect and I was a little bit nervous since the meeting was dedicated to special guests from Polish show business (celebrities, journalists editors in chief of beauty magazines etc). Somewhere there, in the middle of all of that there was I: a Brand Ambassador and Marketing Consultant of Alba1913. Thinking about all of that I had to tell myself again: “Angie, just breath, it’s fine, you will be OK”.
Kamila Wiedenska-Strzelczyk is one of the most recognizable makeup artists in Poland. She works with the top stars & celebrities, so I really appreciated an opportunity to learn from her! Find her portfolio here.
The main theme of the masterclass was “How to make a GLOW & FRENCH makeup.” Kamila was explaining techniques and tricks on how not to spend 2 hours on makeup. I really appreciate her honesty since she didn’t resist herself from pointing out that someone had a bad makeup, or could look way better without unnecessary additions. I was really impressed by that.

You probably have seen a trend of perfect “Instagram makeup” – it usually contains too much cosmetics and the main rule is: “the more, the better.” Kamila, on the other hand, proved that less means more. Makeup should fascinate and highlight our beauty and not be a mask!
We were testing various products on face-charts while Kamila was making makeovers on some chosen women (also me!). I took a lot of notes to remember everything, including the minor details. After that experience, I really wanted to put the knowledge into action and see the magic happen.
Summing up, I feel SOOO blessed that I had the chance to participate in such great events thanks to Alba 1913. Now, I can see myself in a role of a reporter. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. It was much more than posting Insta content. Usually, when you see such posts, you don’t know what happens behind the scenes – for instance the moments when somebody sits on the floor at the airport putting everything into one piece just to update everything as soon as possible! ? Surrounded by millions of emotions, thoughts and people…
Thanks Alba 1913 for having me during the trip. More magic is coming soon!